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                                  HCPro is dedicated to providing the highest-quality, need-to-know information in revenue cycle management, hospital accreditation, nursing, long-term care, medical staff credentialing and privileging, medical coding and billing, and more.

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                                  • 云端智度CEO周强:市场需要什么样的CDN服务?-焦点 ...:2021-8-14 · 齐鲁晚报08月14日讯: 近期,已经呈现红海竞争的CDN行业变局再生,作为融合CDN第一品牌,云端智度从幕后走向台前,引起了行业相关人士的重点关注。 市场对于智能融合CDN热情高涨,这一点从云端智度第一篇推文的效果就可伍看出: 热度 ...

                                    Medicare health plans, which include Medicare Advantage (MA) plans – such as Health Maintenance Organizations, Preferred Provider Organizations, Medical Savings Account plans and Private Fee-For-Service plans – Cost Plans and Health Care Prepayment Plans, must meet the requirements for grievance and appeals processing under Subpart M of the Medicare Advantage regulations.  For a detailed discussion of the Medicare managed care grievance and appeals processes, click here.

                                    Plans and providers have certain responsibilities related to notifying beneficiaries of Medicare appeal rights. If a Medicare health plan denies service or payment, in whole or in part, the plan is required to provide the enrollee with a written notice of its determination.  Additionally, Medicare health plan enrollees receiving covered services from an inpatient hospital, skilled nursing facility, home health agency, or comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility have the right to a fast, or expedited, review if they think their Medicare-covered services are ending too soon.


                                  • New Medicare cards offer greater protection to more than 57 million Americans

                                    New cards will no longer contain Social Security numbers, to combat fraud and illegal use

                                    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is readying a fraud prevention initiative that removes Social Security numbers from Medicare cards to help combat identity theft, and safeguard taxpayer dollars. The new cards will use a unique, randomly-assigned number called a Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI), to replace the Social Security-based Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN) currently used on the Medicare card. CMS will begin mailing new cards in April 2018 and will meet the congressional deadline for replacing all Medicare cards by April 2023. Today, CMS kicks-off a multi-faceted outreach campaign to help providers get ready for the new MBI.

                                  • Two-Midnight Rule: Initial Reviews to Resume

                                    Having taken time out for retraining and internal audits, contractors may resume initial-phase reviews of Medicare reimbursement claims for short-stay inpatient hospital care, CMS says.

                                  • 每天早上空腹吃个苹果,坚持半个月,有4大好处,尤其女性要 ...:2021-3-27 · N号房案件的罪犯赵博士,还有律师敢替他辩护吗? 黑客帝国4蝙蝠侠在列,2021好莱坞大片或推迟上 各单项体育赛事复赛时间表:5月前开赛困难重重 悬崖上的奇迹!麦积山石窟,佛像1600年保存完好,为 梅西又得一项第一!连克C罗和内马尔,携手苏牙成

                                    Q: Did something change with the observation services Composite APC in 2016? The director of patient financial services says we no longer receive payment for it.

                                  • Don't underestimate the importance of good documentation

                                    男子网店卖“翻墙版”短视频APP,三个月获利十万被江苏宜兴 ...:2021-5-16 · 将国外短视频APP与“翻墙”软件打包后在网店进行出售,3个月获利约10万元。 5月6日,宜兴警方侦破国内首个售卖“翻墙版”短视频APP案件,涉嫌提供破坏计算机信息系统工具的网店负责人黄某被江苏宜 …

                                  • Q&A: Should we hardcode modifier -CT?

                                    Q: Our radiology department is requesting that we add a new modifier to their charge description master (CDM), modifier –CT (computed tomography [CT] services furnished using equipment that does not meet each of the attributes of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association [NEMA] XR-29-2013 standard). They want this added to the CT scan line items, but they are not sure if it is for all of the items or only certain ones. Can you provide more information that might help us know how to proceed?


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